Monday, September 26, 2011



Battle of the 0'fers! We will have one less winless team this week as Kinger's Cowboys take on the ROCK HILL STARS in this week's Kissin' Cousins Pillow Fight of the Week™. Hopefully this game ends in a tie, otherwise one of you will be tied with Zubak, because...

I'm a Whoop His Ass! That is all.

The Other Cousins. Barron and Frank face off to determine whose hometown smells a little less putrid than the other's. With Franklin Delano Dermody XXIX favored by 18.5, Barron is staring down the barrel at 0-3. For the sake of the league, let's hope this does not happen.

Revenge Match. I fully expect and hope that the Commish beats the Bloody Mummers to bloody pulpers just like I did, completing the cycle of revenge for our 147˚F draft day conditions. Never Forget.

Body Parts. The NoNeckNicks take on the Cunts. I'm cheering against my bro in this one, just so we can wipe out as many undefeated teams as possible. Except for Clint v. Ricky Dale. Never Forget.

The Dirk Reclamation Project 2011. Is this for real? If Dirk can sweep the Allens with a win this weekend, he'll have a winning record for the first time since '09. Ryan Allen, well, is Ryan Allen. Some how his rag tag group of middle-of-the-pack's is leading the league in scoring. Regression to the mean is inevitable. Eventually. Right? 

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